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Signs It May Be Time to Buy a New Water Heater

Water Heater Repair Portland

A water heater is an important home appliance that especially comes in handy during the winter months. Homeowners rely on […]

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4 Signs That You Might Have a Plumbing Leak

Leak Detection Portland

One of the most important things a homeowner can do is to be on the lookout for signs of a […]

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Signs of a Failing Water Heater

Water Heater Repair Portland

Hot water heaters are easily one of the most essential plumbing appliances in our everyday lives. Hot showers, laundry, washing […]

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The Importance of Regular Drain Cleaning

Drain Cleaning Portland

Every home has a drainage system that carries wastewater away from the house to municipal sewer lines or a home […]

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When Should I Replace My Main Water Line?

Main Water Line Replacement Portland

If there is anything worse than a leaky pipe, it’s main water line damage! This can cause thousands of dollars […]

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What Can Or Can’t I Flush Down My Drains?

Plumbing Services Portland

One of the leading causes of plumbing problems is homeowners throwing the wrong stuff down the drain. From food remains […]

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Plumbing: Frequently Asked Questions

plumbing faqs portland

Plumbing is often depicted as a complex series of pipes requiring a hands-on education in order to understand the literal […]

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What Type of Plumbing Do I Have?

Types of Plumbing Portland

What Type of Plumbing Pipes Do I Have? Picture a plumbing system and one probably conjures an image of iron […]

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A List of Common Plumbing Emergencies

emergency plumbing service portland

Plumbing Emergency — noun — when the water is no longer in the pipes see also: an open-ended question It’s true; […]

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Water Heater Repair or Water Heater Replacement

water heater repair portland

Is It Time For a New Water Heater? As experienced plumbers here in Portland, Oregon, we understand the stress homeowners […]

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